Determination of Teicoplanin via Spectrophotometric and High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods.

Teicoplanin (TCP) as well as its dose forms have been quantitatively estimated using two different methodologies. First, using a spectrophotometric approach, TCP and Fe (III) were combined in an acidic medium, and the freed Fe (II) was then coupled with potassium ferricyanide. Prussian blue complex was then formed after the reaction was heated for 30 minutes at 40° C. With a molar absorptivity of 6.39 x 105, the greatest absorption of the final product was recorded at 767 nm. Beer's law states that linearity occurs in the concentration range of 0.4 to 7.5 g ml-1. The method's relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 2.9%. The computed LOD and LOQ values are 0.1541 and 0.5136, respectively. The second technique used a C18 column with an injection volume of 20 l and a 150 mm length by 4.6 mm ID, 5 m column size for reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The ratio of the mobile phase's components was 90:10 methanol to acetonitrile, and the flow rate was kept constant at 2.5 ml/min. Using an Agilent 1200 series with a photo diode array detector, TCP was seen. International Conferences on Harmonization led to the determination of various analytical parameters (ICH). In the concentration range of 4 to 200, linearity was seen. The proposed approaches are straightforward and sensitive, and the RPHPLC can be utilised as a quality-control tool for frequent quantitative analysis of TCP in pharmaceutical dose form. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development Highlights • Journal h-index: 2 • Journal Cite Score: 0.11 • Journal Impact Factor: 0.36 • Indexing: All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of Publons, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Advanced Science Index, Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Academic Keys, and Academic Journals Database. How to collaborate with us These are the types of collaboration you can go for: 1. Member of Editorial Board (Reviewer or Editor) 2. Membership for publication of your research 3. E-prints and reprints services 4. Conference passes for upcoming conferences in your research area 1. Editorial Board Member The Journal welcomes eminent researchers to be a part of our journal as an Editor or Reviewer and guide us with your intellectual mind. We are glad to have scientific relationship with you in any manner apart from author. 2. Membership for Journal Offers Silver Gold Platinum Articles 20 Unlimited Unlimited Certificate Yes Yes Yes Conference Delegate Pass Yes Yes Yes Art Work Editing Services 2 4 6 Citation Support Services 5-6 10-12 15-20 Reprints 20(+Delivery Charges) 50 (+Delivery charges) 100 (+Delivery charges) Validity 2 Years 2.5 Year 4 Years Charges 3999 Euro - 2999 Euro 6999 Euro - 3999 Euro 9999 Euro - 5999 Euro Benefits of Membership: 1. Swift publication process 2. No more/add-on APC for a fixed period. 3. Easy installments **Terms and conditions applied Avail of this special offer before 25th October 2022. 3. E-print and re-print services Our journal provides E-print and re-print services of your previous and new articles @19 Euros/copy which is a very low amount for the eminent research work. 4. Conferences Passes We also coordinate the National and International Conferences where you can be a part of the conferenceries as an OCM, Delegate as well as a Speaker. We do also promote the eminent research through our conferences and social media platform. Open-Access Week; As we’re celebrating an open-access week so we’re providing 50% discount on APC of our journal. This offer is applicable only up to 25th October 2022. If you have more than one article than we can process one article as a complementary. Article Processing charges – 850 Euros (per article) Submission link- Further laboratories and research institutes can also contact us for collaborations and membership. Reach Us:- WhatsApp. +441704335730 Email Id: -